Dance to the Music of Your Own Heart
by Sylvia Becker-Hill
Buy the Original Painting
12.000 x 12.000 x 1.000 inches
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Dance to the Music of Your Own Heart
Sylvia Becker-Hill
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas With Sometimes One Or Two Added Mediums Like Sparkles Or Objects Like Feathers Or Keys Or Shells
"Dance to the Music of Your Own Heart" 12 by 12 inches - captures my inner process during a month in late 2021 during which I was confronted with a very scary heart diagnosis and life-threatening condition. I had to come to peace with the fact that I can't live like I did all my life - careless about food and lack of sport - and had to let go of my anxiety patterns for the health of my heart and my own literal survival. Plus my school medicine doctor scared me deeply and tried to bully me into taking strong prescription drugs with potentially very dangerous side effects. I refused her advice and decided to go an alternative route and focus on lifestyle changes the doctor didn’t even have faith in me that I would be able to pull it off!
Painting "Dancing to the Music of my Own Heart" made me feel triumphant in the end and helped me gather my strength and resolve to prove the doctor wrong. And now a year later my blood work is very different, and the diagnosis got changed dramatically because I live a very different healthy lifestyle with a loving caring relationship with my body governed by my heart. I'm sharing this small but mighty painting with you telling you:
Listen to your heart.
Your heart knows.
You are stronger than you think you are.
Yes, you can change yourself even when it feels hard or close to impossible.
November 10th, 2022
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